Cannabis Oil CBG 10% & CBD 3% Full Spectrum


The CBG 10% + CBD 3% Full Spectrum Oil from CannaOro is a natural supplement and potent anti-inflammatory that contributes to overall health, well-being, balance, and homeostasis of our body.

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The CannaOro CBG 10% + CBD 3% Full Spectrum Oil is an entirely natural supplement and potent anti-inflammatory that contributes to overall health, well-being, balance, and homeostasis of our body. With daily use, we provide ourselves with all the rich and beneficial benefits of the cannabis plant. The product is produced from 100% Greek flower production by CannaOro.

CBD and many other cannabinoids all start as cannabigerol (CBG). CBG is a substance that can be considered as the “stem cell” or “parent” of other cannabinoids. The most important property of CBG is its powerful anti-inflammatory action in our body. The 10% CBG + 3% CBD Full Spectrum Cannabis Oil is used both as an alternative treatment for a plethora of diseases and conditions and as a completely safe natural supplement for daily use.

Contains: CBD+CBDa 30% (3000mg/10ml), THC < 0.2%. And it is 100% legal.

Natural Cannabis Terpenes: (A-Pinene 30%, D-3-Carene 4%, B-Pinene 15%, d-Limonene 33%, a-terpinene 1.7%, linalool 2.9%, D-fenchyl alcohol 2%, caryophellene 4.3%, Chlorophyll, Phenols, and amino acids)

Benefits: Benefits of cannabigerol (CBG):

  • Relieves pain and reduces inflammation.
  • Stimulates bone formation and healing.
  • Provides antifungal and antibacterial treatment.
  • Addresses psoriasis and contributes to skin regeneration.

Instructions: Shake well before each use. Place the desired dosage under your tongue and hold for 1 to 2 minutes without swallowing. 30 minutes before and after ingestion, it is not recommended to consume water and food for better results.

Recommended Use: CBD cannabis oil is not used by pregnant and breastfeeding women. In any case, consult your doctor.

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